Whenever the shed is open. Just let the Shed Boss or SIG leader know when you get there. Check the Calendar for times of opening.
If you are not accredited on a machine you can use it provided you are supervised by a member who is accredited on that machine. Once you are accredited on that machine, you can use it unsupervised. Ask for help if you are not sure about how to operate a particular machine.
Contact the Accreditation Officer and register your interest. You need to complete the online test and then attend an accreditation session or obtain an ad hoc accreditation by one of the experienced member who are authorised to accredit members. More details.
The Guild only sells wood to members. We are able to sell wood at very competitive prices because members donate their time to cut, dry and mill the timber. You can purchase wood from the Turner’s shed, the container or the drying room. Talk to the Timber Team, who are at the shed on Tuesday, the Shed Boss or your SIG leader. If you need specific styles, species or sizes of timber, please contact the Timber Team.
Small jobs can be completed for members at no charge. Larger jobs require a payment or a donation of timber to the Guild as per the Guild’s Log Milling Policy. The Guild does not cut and remove trees from backyards. If you have logs or timber you would like to donate to the Guild, contact the Timber Team.
You can only leave wood at the shed with the prior approval of the Timber Team. Any wood left at the shed is entirely at your risk. It must be clearly marked with your name and contact details. If not, it may be removed, repurposed or sold. Do not leave any MDF or Chipboard at the shed.
The trailer is for offcuts from wood processed at the shed. Any nails or other metal fixtures must be removed or rendered safe before the wood is placed in the trailer. Do not put MDF or chipboard in the trailer at any time. Do not put waste timber or offcuts from your home in the trailer. You can remove timber waste from the trailer for use in a home fireplace or BBQ.
Signing in enables the Shed Boss or SIG leader know which members are in various rooms and buildings at the shed. It is also the way we track members for COVID tracing if necessary.
The $2 door entry covers consumables and cleaning. It is an important contribution to support the operation of the shed.
Shed Bosses and SIG leaders are available to provide ad hoc training and assistance. Many SIGs also have on going training and workshops available to SIG members. Some formal workshops are offered on an as needs basis such as green woodworking, sharpening, turning, box making, windsor chair making etc. Some of these workshops attract an additional charge. If you have any ideas for training or workshops, talk to a Shed Boss, SIG leader or a Committee member.
The Guild holds an annual exhibition at the Australian National Botanic Gardens in October. Some items are for display only while others are marked for sale. The Guild usually holds sales events at the Canberra show (February), the Folk Festival (April) and at a local Shopping Centre South.Point (July & December). These events are very popular with the Canberra public. Sellers keep 85% of the sales made. The Guild retains a 15% commission on all sales and pays for costs of holding the sale.
As a not for profit organisation, the Guild can only operate if members are prepared to volunteer their time and expertise. We are always looking for help in SIGs, workshops, sales events, community projects, on the Guild Committee and people prepared to help with our Schools program and social events. Talk to a Committee member, Shed Boss or SIG leader about volunteering opportunities.
You don’t need to register but you should contact the SIG leader to discuss your participation in a SIG.
Go to the Login screen, click “Lost password” and enter your email address. An email will be immediately sent to you with a link to reset your password.