The Guild has a large number of members within the core activity of woodcraft and their interests are many and varied. In order to cater for these specialist skills, the Guild has developed a number of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for those who wish to delve more deeply into a particular aspect of woodcraft.

Members can join SIGs at any time – we don’t work within a term/semester structure.  If you require more details about a SIG, contact the SIG coordinator using their contact details below.  Introduce yourself when you attend a SIG for the first time.

Introduction to Woodworking

The activities of the Group are designed to accommodate beginners and those returning to woodwork after an absence.  Each meeting addresses an issue that will arise when approaching a project or task and then works towards completing that project.

Initially, members joining the group will be encouraged to develop their skills with hand tools and further instruction and guidance with power tools will be incorporated into activities. When members are comfortable they can progress to the Woodworking 201 SIG.

The guild has plenty of tools and equipment to get you started on your woodwork journey. When you decide it is time to buy your own tools make sure you read the article by our Shed Boss, Terry O’Loughlin – The Basic Toolkit


When: 1st and 3rd Monday of every month
Time: 6pm to 9pm
Contact: Harry Brown, 0447461043 –

Woodworking 201 – Projects

This Group is intended for members who have a reasonable level of skill and who wish to improve those skills.  In a sense it is a bridging Group between the Introduction to Woodworking Group and the topic specific Special Interest Groups.

Depending on members interest the Group occasionally invites experienced woodworkers or craft persons to meetings to present and explore their expertise in their area of speciality.

The sort of projects undertaken will depend on each member’s interest – it could be something for the home or workshop and members are encouraged to pursue their projects with a view to achieving competition level work, making items for sale or undertaking commissions.

Remember that you may attend the Shed at anytime that it is open (check the calendar) to work on your project. Accreditation is required to work with Guild machinery but there will always be an accredited member there to assist you if you are not.


When: Every Wednesday
Time: 6pm to 9pm
Contact: Kent Jorgensen

Box Making

Whether you want to make an intricate jewellery box or simple box for storing tools, the box making SIG is for you.

We are planning regular demonstrations and talks about all aspects of box making –  dovetail boxes, finger joint boxes, bandsaw boxes, scroll saw boxes, turned boxes – end grain or not, big boxes, small boxes, blanket boxes,  jewellery boxes, document boxes – you name it we can help with it from plans to finished product and if you want to add detail such as marquetry, inlay, carving, pyrography,  epoxy resin, quartz, gold, silver, pewter –  all can be done right here in this SIG.

Come along and have a chat, or a listen and if you do not have a current project on the go we can find you one.

A detailed list of suppliers for all your box components can be found under Resources.  There are also the videos from our two online workshops conducted during the lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.


When: 1st Saturday of every month
Time: Sat (10am to 4pm)
Contact:  Tony Cullen


The aim of the Furniture SIG is to provide a mix of learning techniques and practical application of those skills and knowledge in an environment where those less experienced can be offered help and guidance.

Some of the SIG projects over the past few years include a commission for the Department of Defence for lecterns, a blackwood dining table and walnut coffee tables (both of which were successfully sold by the Guild at various shows), the meranti workbench now used in the Shed and individual projects including a bookstand, bandsawn boxes and rocking chairs.

The SIG is trialling a new arrangement at meetings, whereby we start with a demonstration lasting approximately one hour, followed by traditional project work. To date these demonstrations have included biscuit jointing, mortise and tenon joints by hand and by machine, resawing, and router bit basics. Afternoon tea during the SIG afternoons has been a useful time to share knowledge, discuss various woodworking issues and plan for future meetings.

The demonstrations have promoted some interest in the SIG, with new members attending, and we want to encourage greater attendance by other Guild members – all should feel free to join in, or just observe the 1 hour demonstration if you wish.


When: 2nd Saturday of every month
Time:  10am to 4pm; Talk at 1pm
Contact: Graham Reynolds

Musical Instrument Making

Joy comes to those who bring joy to others, and this is certainly the case with music and musical instruments. Whether you bow, pluck, strike or blow we welcome anyone interested in making musical instruments. Whether a xylophone for the kids or a Stradivarius violin we welcome you. We build from plans or kits or perhaps you want to repair an instrument – there are knowledgeable people ready and willing to help or provide guidance.

At its most basic level, a violin (or acoustic guitar or ukulele) is a box with a handle and some strings. Let’s get the mystique out of instrument-making because we believe that anyone with basic woodworking skills can make a musical instrument. And the skills span every area, including box-making, joinery, turning, carving, bending and inlay. The Guild has a range of tools and templates to help you complete your project — including some specialised jigs and templates for particular kinds of instrument. The Guild also has a substantial supply of both common and exotic timbers including timbers suitable for musical instrument making for sale, or we can advise where to obtain good tonewoods at reasonable prices.

Our library includes books on violin making, guitar making and the woodworking skills required to achieve your goal.

With care and attention to detail, you too can make playable instruments that will bring joy for generations. Our makers have built guitars, ukuleles, violins, hurdy-gurdys, dulcimers, strum-sticks and more.


When: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month
Time: from 6pm
Contact: Alan Guy or David Buckley

Toy Making

Toy making is one of the oldest and simplest of woodcrafts. It has brought satisfaction to craftsmen and joy to countless generations of children. Although it is commonly referred to within the Guild just as the Toy SIG, this group also covers the making of Games and Models.

Be they large and complex, or small and simple, toys are relatively easy and straightforward to make. Some require only hand tools; others are best made using powered tools such as a drill press, band saw, belt sander and lathe. All of these are available to members at The Shed. Games can be much more demanding on the craftsman, often requiring extreme precision in fabrication and assembly. Models, especially true scale models, can also be very demanding and time-consuming, requiring accurate work with very small pieces of wood.

The Toy SIG holds a large number of plans for a wide variety of toys, as well as a range of jigs made over the  years for speed and quality of toy and model making. These are available for the exclusive use of Toy SIG members. The Guild also has a substantial supply of both common and exotic timbers suitable for toy, game and model making for sale at nominal cost.


When: 1st Sunday of every month
Time: 1:30pm
Contact: Owen Stewart


Come along with your special piece that needs attention, or just attend to seek that answer to what you have wanted to know about for years, or just gain a little more understanding and expand your current knowledge.


When: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month
Time: 5:30pm
Contact: Graham Reynolds

Scroll saw, Marquetry & Intarsia

Scroll saw work is a relatively modern technique, using electrically-powered, bench-mounted, reciprocating saws with very thin blades, but it is derived from traditional techniques such as the hand-cut fretwork that can be seen and admired on many old buildings and in antique furniture, particularly in Europe and the UK. The main purpose for using a scroll saw is its ability to cut intricate curves and joints, very quickly, and with great accuracy. It can also be used to cut dovetail joints, intarsia and inlays for veneer projects. Using a very fine blade, the saw kerf is all but invisible.

Although it is commonly referred to within the Guild as the Scroll saw SIG, this group also covers the use of marquetry in all of its applications. Marquetry is the craft of covering a structural carcass with precisely-cut pieces of veneer to form  decorative patterns, designs or pictures. The technique may be applied to furniture or decorative small objects with smooth veneerable surfaces or to free-standing pictorial panels.

You are welcome to join us during our monthly SIG meetings. We generally all work on a particular project – see the Program link below to fnd out what we will be doing any particular month. Patterns, directions and materials are prepared for that. Working on your own projects is always an option. Accreditation for the Guild’s scroll saws is generally done during our SIG meetings.

Several scroll saw and marquetry articles can be found under Resources.

2024 SIG Program


When: 3rd Sunday of every month
Time: 10am – 4pm
Contact: Mary Jean Vickers


Perhaps more related to art than normal woodcraft, pyrography – “writing with fire” –  requires a steady hand, good hand/eye coordination, and above all the ability to ‘see’ how decoration could enhance a common everyday object.  In the Guild, it is frequently used collaboratively to ornament woodcraft produced by turning, box-making or cabinetry.

Burning can be done by means of a modern solid-point tool (similar to a soldering iron), or a hot-wire tool, or by more basic methods using metal implements heated in a fire, or even by sunlight concentrated by a magnifying lens.  This allows a wide range of natural tones and shades to be achieved – beautifully subtle effects can create a picture in sepia tones, or strong dark strokes can make a bold, dramatic design.  Varying the type of tip used, the temperature, or the way the iron is applied to the material, all create different effects.  Solid-point machines offer a variety of tip shapes, and can also be used for “branding” the wood or leather.  Wire-point machines allow the artist to shape the wire into a variety of configurations, to achieve broad marks or fine lines.  This work is time-consuming, and done entirely by hand, with each line of a complex design drawn individually.  After the design is burned in, wooden objects are often coloured, sometimes boldly, or more delicately tinted.

The Guild owns a number of pyrography pen kits that are available to all members. It also has a substantial supply of both common and exotic timbers suitable for pyrography and ornamentation.

A number of excellent pyrography articles can be found under Resources.


When: 2nd Sunday of every month
Time: 12pm – 4pm
Contact: Vivien Laycock at

Carving & Sculpture

Woodcarving includes techniques such as in-the-round, high and low relief carving, incised carving, chip carving, whittling, lettering, woodcut and wood engraving, pattern making, chain-saw carving, and sculpture. The carving may stand alone or be an embellishment on other wood products, such as furniture or bowls.

There are a huge range of applications that you can try. The variety in the tools is greater than other woodworking disciplines and properly sharpened tools are essential. The choice of timber, and thus the understanding of the properties of timber, is also critical.

The SIG has a good range of carving tools available and books on carving may be borrowed from the Guild’s library and from the SIG’s own library of books, magazines and selected articles. Carving and sharpening workshops are held at the Guild. If you would like to try any aspect of woodcarving, other members are there to help get you started.

A number of excellent carving articles can be found under Resources.


When: 2nd Sunday of every month
Time: 10am – 1pm
Contact: Paul Dunn – 0416 274 443

Blacksmithing & Tool Restoration

The Blacksmithing and Tool Restoration Special Interest Group (BAT SIG) was originally formed by Guild members with a common interest in the collection, restoration and proper use of traditional hand tools, such as planes, saws and chisels. SIG activities include de-rusting, sharpening and fettling of tools, and the fabrication of replacement wooden parts. Some time at each meeting is also set aside for “Show and Tell”, to allow members to display and discuss recent acquisitions from “trash & treasure” sales and swap meets.

The interests of this group have expanded to include blacksmithing and the fabrication of specialised hand tools, which in turn has led to the construction next to the Shed of a “smithy” equipped with a forge, a metal-working lathe, and a range of metal-working tools, available for the exclusive use of members. The Smithy is a popular venue during Canberra winters!

Projects like the restoration of an antique treadle-powered lathe have been undertaken by the whole SIG.


When: Sunday following 3rd Thursday of every month
Time:  1pm
Contact:  Jack Dempsey

Blacksmithing & Tool Making

This SIG is for all skills development related to blacksmithing as a craft with focus on knife making and tool making.

Beginners are encouraged to join as well as intermediate and advanced. No project will be refused as long as it has steel in it somewhere.


When: Every Wednesday
Time: 6-9pm
Contact:  Anthony Ditton

Bush Craft

A group of members wanting to work together to promote Bush crafts encompassing traditional modes of making chairs and stools with hand tools, green wood carving of spoons and other utensils, coopering (including bucket making), and the use of traditional tools such as travishers and draw knives.

At this stage the Bush Craft SIG meeting on the 2nd and 4th Friday afternoons of the month (1-4pm) will be personal Bush Craft projects. No ‘leader’ will be demonstrating. There are likely group members happy to assist you with your project planning.

There remains a number of Bush Craft resources and plans at the shed which members are welcome to access. Bushies can also let new members know what YouTube videos might be helpful and what Facebook groups to become a member of (such as Green Woodworking Australia).


When: 2nd and 4th Friday of every month
Time: 1pm – 4pm
Contact: Simone Doherty


The Sharpening SIG’s focus is on developing a process for members to develop the skills for sharpening their hand tools. This involves Tutorials where members are introduced to the practice of the following four “R” activities:

  • Ready – to prepare a new blade
  • Refresh – a quick hone to refresh the edge
  • Regrind – when the hone area gets too big and takes too long to hone
  • Restore – overhaul of an old abused, neglected or damaged blade.

Reference: Jim Davey (web site no longer active)

These practical exercises will focus on using the following equipment:

  1. Wet and dry abrasive papers (usually mounted on float glass billets)
  2. (Industrial) graded diamonds bonded to metal plates
  3. Japanese water stones
  4. Stropping bevels using metal polish
  5. Jigs for setting and grinding primary and secondary bevels.

The Tormek sharpening machine requires formal Accreditation and is a complementary piece of equipment to achieving an exceptionally good edge for hand tools.

Tutorials and Accreditation should be requested by contacting the Sharpening SIG and arrangements made to organise appointments.

Once Tutorials have been attended and/or Accreditation achieved, members are free to use the equipment at the Shed.

The SIG will develop a Cadre of members who will be able to carry out Tutorials and Tormek Accreditation.

Development of techniques and advice on sharpening hand saws, axes, knives and circular saws will be fostered on a needs basis.


When: on request
Contact: Jeremy Manton

Introduction to Woodturning

The Introduction to Woodturning SIG (ITSIG) streamlines the woodturning accreditation process and ensures a structured and consistent learning experience.

This SIG is designed for beginners with little or no previous experience of woodturning.  Classes are up to 10 students so you will learn as a group. If you are an experienced turner but are new to the Guild, please contact the SIG Coordinator.

The SIG teaches basic turning skills and the safe use of tools, the wood lathe and turning equipment.  Students need to complete a short written test on safety to obtain accreditation.  Once accredited, members will leave this SIG and join the regular turning SIGs to further develop their skills.  See the Guild calendar for information on these SIGs.

The format of this SIG is to provide an explanation of a tool or turning technique, a short demonstration by an instructor and the opportunity for students to apply the new skill and make a simple item such as a spindle project like a mallet, a small cross-grain bowl and an end-grain hollowing piece like a pencil pot.  This will be made under the guidance of experienced instructors.

The ITSIG takes place over 2 full days (9am to 4pm) over a nominated weekend to complete the projects, do the written test and obtain accreditation on the wood lathe. The sessions aim to be as relaxed and enjoyable as possible.

The Guild will provide tools, wood and instruction. You can use your own turning tools if you wish.  You will need to pay a modest materials fee to cover wood and abrasives used during the ITSIG.

Please wear a close-woven, high-necked top to avoid the discomfort of wood shavings getting under your clothes.

Closed footwear is essential.

Protective work shoes or boots are recommended.  For safety, loose hair is to be tied back, loose jewellery removed, loose long sleeves secured and no lanyards are to be worn.

Protective high-impact face shields will be provided by the Guild, but you are welcome to bring your own.  If you wear glasses, they should have standard shatterproof lenses.

Starter packs of abrasive can be purchased from the Guild for minimal cost.

Woodturning Demonstrators to Watch online

Members interested in woodturning have asked who to watch on YouTube. Most of the turning techniques we teach are based on those developed by Richard Raffan.

Senior WCG turners recommend these turners as providers of good and interesting instruction that will lead to safe turning:

Sam Angelo aka Wyoming Woodturner
Stuart Batty
Alan Batty
Jimmy Clewes
Cindy Drozda
Kirk DeHeer
Ashley Harwood
Bonnie Klein
Steve Jones
Glenn Lucas
Mike Peace
Robo Hippie
Richard Raffan
Robbo Robertson
Mike Waldt
Colwin Way
Tim Yoder

Articles on specific areas of interest be found under Resources.


When: A nominated weekend approx. every 2 months
Time: Sat-Sun/9am-4pm
Contact: Craig Pennifold  –  0419 274 585

Saturday Turning

Although both the Saturday and Monday Night SIGs cover all turning techniques, from beginner to advanced levels, their specialty is faceplate turning. Faceplate turning refers to wood that is mounted on the lathe with the grain running across the lathe bed.  This method of turning is used for bowls, platters, vases and hollow forms.

The SIG is particularly aimed at members who are unable to attend sessions during the working week.

SIG sessions typically include a demonstration of a turning technique by an experienced member or by a visiting turner.  The lathes and other facilities of the Guild are then available for members to practise this technique themselves, under the guidance of the demonstrator and/or other more experienced members.

Session topics can range from basic techniques, such as how to prepare and mount turning blanks, or the use of a specific turning tool, to more advanced methods, such as deep hollowing, segmented, or multi-axis turning.  Topics can also include the ornamentation of turned work by burning, dyeing, staining and carving.


When: 3rd Saturday of every month
Time: 10am – 4:30pm
Contact: Patrick Grierson

Monday Evening Turning

Although both the Monday Evening and Saturday Turning SIGs cover all turning techniques, from beginner to advanced levels, their special interests are faceplate turning and end-grain hollowing.

Faceplate turning refers to wood that is mounted on the lathe with the grain running across the face of the lathe. This method of turning is used for bowls, platters, vases and hollow forms.  End-grain hollowing is a technique for hollowing out the inside of a piece mounted on the lathe in spindle orientation – with the grain running parallel to the lathe axis.  This technique produces turned boxes, either open-topped or lidded.

Monday evening sessions may include a demonstration of a turning technique by an experienced member, or by a visiting turner. The lathes and other facilities of the Guild are then available for members to practise this technique themselves, under the guidance of the demonstrator and/or other more experienced members.

Session topics can range from basic techniques, such as how to prepare and mount turning blanks, or the use of a specific turning tool, to more advanced methods, such as deep hollowing, segmented, or multi-axis turning. Sessions can also cover the ornamentation of turned work by burning, dyeing, staining and carving.


When: Every Monday
Time: 6pm – 9pm
(Public Holidays: 4pm – 9pm)
Contact: Rod Tier, Dan Steiner, Oliver McInerney

Mandrel & Miniature Turning

Mandrel & Miniature (Pen) Turning SIG specialises in turning pens and other craft items on a mandrel, as well as turning miniature items such as lace bobbins, Christmas decorations, toys and other small items.

Meetings are conducted in two sessions:

1.      Practical Session – 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.  Members are encouraged to turn the Pen of the Month, or another project of their choice.  Tuition is available for new members and assistance is provided for members turning unfamiliar pen styles.

2.      Demonstration Session – 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm in alternate months.  The Project of the Month is demonstrated, and any available videos are shown.  If time permits, members are encouraged to turn the Project of the Month.

Mandrel and miniature turnings are specialised forms of between-centres turning, using small billets of wood. Mandrel turning is used to produce pens, including fountain pens and propelling pencils.  This technique involves drilling small holes through the centres of billets (blanks), which are then threaded onto a metal rod (the mandrel) which supports the wood while the bodies of the pens are turned down to the required shape.  The pen mechanisms and fittings are then added from purchased kits.  Special mandrels are also used to produce other small craft items such as letter-openers, bottle-stoppers, kaleidoscopes, perfume dispensers and whistles.

With miniature turning, there is no internal metal support, but the wood is still turned to extremely thin dimensions.  This method of turning is used for tops, dollhouse furniture, lace bobbins, fishing lures and ‘trembleurs’.


When: 1st Saturday of every month
Time: 10am – 4pm
Contact: Gai Simpson

Machinery & Tool Maintenance

The Machinery and Tool Maintenance SIG meets weekly to clean, service, repair and maintain the Guild’s extensive collection of machinery and tools. In addition, the team also cleans and maintains the various rooms that make up the Shed.

The list of tasks the Maintenance Team is responsible for is expanding so we are looking for additional members to join the core maintenance team. If you are available, please consider joining the team. The work is not hard or difficult and you don’t need accreditation to use our equipment  (vacuum cleaner or broom). The work of the team is important and we do make a difference that benefits all members.

We encourage every member to come along and help the core maintenance team in maintaining the machinery and hand tools that you use when you are at the Shed. If you have an interest in learning how to service, repair, and maintain your own equipment and tools the team can assist you.

If you identify an issue with any of the Guild’s equipment, please let the Shed Boss or SIG leader know. If possible, send an email to providing a brief description of the problem.


When: every Monday
Time: 10am – 1pm
Contact: Bruce Fuller


The Guild offers members opportunities to sell their woodcraft to the public at selected events during the year. Members wishing to sell their woodcraft need to complete a Sales List with a short description of the item for sale, the price and the type of wood used (optional).  All items must consist of at least 50% wood.

This Sales List is used to print barcodes labels (showing the short description and the price) which are then attached to the individual items prior to the sale.

Sellers are responsible for delivering their woodcraft to the Shed prior to the Sales Event and collecting their unsold items from the Shed. All sale items must be in lidded plastic boxes with your name (clearing marked on the top and side) with each box not weighing more than 15kg. If you have more than one box they must be numbered, indicating total number of boxes e.g. “1 of 3”, “2 of 4”.

The Guild receives a 15% commission on all sales at Guild organised Sales Events. On some occasions, where there is a significant cost to the Guild to participate in an event sellers may be asked to pay a Sales Fee in addition to the usual Guild Commission in order to cover these added costs – on these occasions you will be informed in advance of any additional costs.

Members selling items are expected to volunteer to assist at the Sales Events, either on the days of sale or bumping-in and bumping-out.

We also request sellers to consider donating items to the Guild’s sale box.  The Guild will receive 100% of the sale of these items.


When: as required, usually after a Sales event to review and provide feedback
Contact: Jane Jones

Schools & Community

The Woodcraft Guild is entering its 13th year with a highly successful Student and Community Woodworking Program.  Each year we have finetuned our Student Program to enable students from the commencement of high school to undertake woodworking projects that identify projects of strong interest to the students.

Where possible each student is allocated a Guild Mentor with specific woodworking experience related to the relevant project.  We cover a wide range of projects, commencing with Woodwork 101; where we introduce students to the basic function of woodworking tools, through to more advanced projects.  The critical aspect is to ensure the student takes ownership from an early stage.  It is the journey, not the end result, which gives the student the most satisfaction and final reward.  Importantly, each student is able to progress at their own speed and level of difficulty.

We do however target each project with the student involvement, versus the Guild Mentor Input and where the student achieves 50% or greater project input, that gives us a very good indication the project difficulty level is on the money.   Less than 50% indicates there is a need to re-assess.

Throughout the course students are exposed to a wide range of project ideas, involving bird feeders, using recycled fence palings, small box making, cheese and cutting boards, wood turning, carving, pyrography, coloured epoxy resins, and of course end of year Christmas decorations. It is simply limited to one’s imagination.

The Community Program was formally introduced in 2020, working closely with communities@work – an ACT Government body. Our first major project was the renovation of Chapman Village outdoor furniture; involving both students and Guild mentors.  Over the Covid period we worked with ‘Communities at Work’ in the construction of an outdoor planter unit, subsequently located in the new suburb of Wright. A highly successful project completed in difficult times when the Guild was under severe operating conditions.


When: Thursday during school terms
Contact: Phil Colman

WCG Projects 901

Over the last 20 years the Guild members forged ahead with expansion projects sponsored and undertaken by Guild members themselves. In the  most recent expansion the build itself was managed by Ian Fitzpatrick together with a lot of help from other guild members, relatives and friends. The Guild is proud to have so many members who have contributed so much in the way of expertise, muscle and creativity to make the space so usable and welcoming.

Whilst the job of getting walls and roofs up, defining spaces for benches and machinery and more recently getting dust extraction fitted, have been pivotal in getting us to where we are… we now need to turn our efforts to making the internal spaces efficient, clean and  more usable.

The WCG Projects 901 SIG has been formed with the intent of fitting out the internal spaces better and organising the various workspaces to keep stocktaking, maintenance, safety, cleaning, and education easier for everyone. WCG Projects 901 SIG is for WCG project work only and is intended to allow members to contribute as well as learn woodcraft as we go. We use our membership expertise in woodcraft to include anyone who wishes to learn cabinet making and help out and at the same time. No prior expertise is needed – just enthusiasm, patience and  creativity.

Come along and put your mark on Guild projects, learn from our in house experts, put saw to wood, create raised panels, fancy doors, floating drawers and more. Every Thursday evening until all the jobs are done!


When: suspended until further notice
Contact: TBA