Welcome to the Woodcraft Guild of the ACT. The Guild is a not-for-profit community based organisation and has been a part of the Canberra woodcraft and art scene for decades and is one of the oldest woodworking clubs in Australia. Our membership of around 500 people is drawn from the diverse Canberra community and local region.
The Guild is organised around 18 or so Special Interest Groups (SIGs) including Woodturning, Toy Making, Furniture, Pyrography, Carving, Scroll saw, Musical Instrument, Box Making, Blacksmithing and tool restoration.
The Shed is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am to 3pm. The calendar on the Guild website shows what is happening during the day, the evenings and over the weekends. You can also keep up to date by using the Guild’s Facebook sites and Instagram.
Members can join any of the SIGs to enhance their skills and to explore new facets of woodwork. Members can utilise the Guild’s facilities and tools whenever the shed is open. Our experienced members are happy to help members starting out and those needing advice on a particular project. Members can purchase timber at Guild prices which provides great value.
SIG leaders, Committee members, Shed Bosses and members looking after maintenance, timber reclamation, exhibitions, training courses, community work and sales activities are all volunteers. As the Guild membership grows, so does the work needed to keep it all working. Please contact me if you are interested in helping out. There is plenty to do.
We have completed a large expansion to our Workshop located at Lions Youth haven on Kambah Pool Road that now gives us separate rooms for woodturning, machinery, workbenches, a forge and a kitchen area for a relaxation and conversation. The recent addition of a modern dust extraction system has enhanced the woodworking environment well.
The Guild places a high priority on safety. Accreditation ensures members have the knowledge to operate machinery safely. Our introduction to woodworking and woodturning groups provide skills to those starting out. The Guild maintains buildings, contents and public liability insurance.
The Guild is taking action to provide a COVID-safe environment. We do want members to enjoy their time at the shed safely.
Every year we elect a new Committee. We encourage you to put your name forward for one of the Committee positions. It’s a great way to meet people and to get involved. Longer term members should put their names forward to assist SIG leaders in enhancing SIG development.
Come and enjoy yourself at the Shed.
As an Incorporated Association, the Guild is required to have a formal set of Objects and Rules.
Community activities
The Woodcraft Guild is entering its 10th year with a highly successful Student Woodworking Program. This program has evolved over the years to specifically cater for high school students who may have a range of difficulties or special needs coping in the normal classroom environment. Students work closely with experienced Guild Mentors on individual and group projects in a safe, enjoyable and productive environment. Consistent feedback from the schools has proven the program’s effectiveness with improved student performance.
John Armstrong Guild Service Award
The purpose of this award is to recognise a Guild member who has made a significant and long term contribution to the achievement of Guild objectives through their service to the Guild. This service should be in at least two distinctly different areas (e.g. as a officeholder, working on a major Guild project, leadership in a SIG, coordinator of specific events and contributing to Working Bees, over more than three years, or for other substantial and sustained Guild service at the discretion of the Committee. The member has demonstrated through his/her character to be diligent, skilful and selfless in their service to the Guild.
This award is in memory of John Armstrong. John was a quiet achiever in the Guild over many years. He was a woodcarver who led the Carving SIG; a helper with working bees in the Shed; and an electrical engineer who both advised the Guild on its electrical issues, and tested and tagged our electrical equipment for use in the Shed and at public events. He wrote a series of articles on electrical matters, and on numerous other topics, published in Shed Notes, and won awards for his woodcraft skills. Following John’s death in September 2013, the Guild Committee decided to establish this Award in his honour.
The Award
The Award will be presented annually as perpetual trophy to a current Guild Member who is adjudged by the Guild Committee to be deserving of special recognition. This trophy will be inscribed with that Member’s name and the year, and held in trust by the recipient until the next recipient is announced. At the Committee’s discretion, it may not be presented every year.
The Award trophy will consist of a carving by John Armstrong as its major feature and be of a distinctive design and of sufficient size to be capable of holding the names of recipients over many years.