
Woodworking is inherently a hazardous activity. The correct attitude towards your personal safety and that of others, as well as the care of tools and machinery, is imperative.

Accreditation is about the safe operation of the machines at the Guild premises.

The Guild policy on Health and Safety is directly linked to the system of Accreditation for safe use of workshop equipment. All members should read and observe the Shed Rules and General Machine Safety notes prior to using equipment at the Guild

You do not need to be accredited to use the majority of the shed machinery but you must be supervised by a member who is accredited on that machine. Once you are accredited on that machine, you can use it unsupervised.

The two levels of accreditation

Focus on safety

  • This is to make sure that you, the user, understand the risks associated with machine use and the measures to make sure that you operate the machine knowing what not to do as well as what to do. We will also make sure that you are able to keep the machine clean and tidy after each use, ready for the next person.

Focus on expert use

  • This is done in specific workshops or courses. Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have training sessions related to equipment specifically used by SIG members. Timber mill use falls under the responsibility of the Timber Team, whose members develop knowledge and confidence through supervised usage, and is subject to a specific guild policy.

Accreditation Process

Members are required to read the online notes, use the equipment under supervision, successfully complete the relevant online test (results are valid for 3 months only but the test can be repeated) and present in person for a practical session with a Guild Assessor to demonstrate their competency and understanding of the safe operation of machines at the Guild premises (the Shed).

While Accreditation means members can operate Guild equipment unsupervised, members (whether new to woodwork or whose use of the Guild’s equipment is infrequent) are expected to ask for assistance of more experienced Guild operators until confident of independent use.

Scheduled accreditation sessions

Online test process

Members are required to complete safety accreditation tests for each machine that they intend to use.  You must be logged in to access the accreditation tests as the results are recorded against your membership.

Safety Notes are available for all machinery and should be read before undertaking the corresponding online test.

The test does not certify competency in use nor expertise – these come with practice and diligence.

When you complete the test your results will be displayed on the screen. When you have successfully answered all questions, a printable certificate of completion will be emailed to you for your records. A copy of your test result will also be sent to the accreditation team.

If you encounter any technical problems with a test, contact with the details of the issues.

Practical test process

Members need to contact the Accreditation Officer, Carol Croxford, when they are interested in organising a practical session, identifying which machine they wish to be accredited on and confirming their supervised use of the equipment.

When attending the practical session, a member must:

  • Present a current test pass record (whether digital or hardcopy) to the Assessor.
  • Sign the relevant section(s) of their Accreditation Register Record (form in the Registration folders).
  • Have, and be prepared to identify, the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) required for operation of each machine they are being accredited on.
  • Know how to operate the dust extraction systems and their responsibilities in keeping the machine areas clean for Guild members to work safely. This includes reporting incidents and maintenance concerns to the SIG leader/Shed Boss and alerting other users of possible hazards.
